Category Archive Blog

Adobe form: set field color dynamically with javascript

To specify with javascript the color for a text field in adobe form, use the code below.

// data.MAIN.SUBFORM.FIELD_TO_CHANGE_COLOR::initialize - (JavaScript, client)
this.font.fill.color.value = "255,0,0"; // Color Red in RGB Color

The color has to be specified in 🔗 RGB format.

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Reverse sorting of an internal table

Use method CL_RS_DATA=>SWITCH_ORDER( ) :

  cl_rs_data=>switch_order( CHANGING c_t_data = lt_my_table ).

Technically, the method loops on table entries and insert each of them with INDEX 1.

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Check if BADI is implemented

Transaction SE18, enter your BADI name and go to
Enhancement Implementation –> Overview :

Generate a random number in ABAP

Use class CL_ABAP_RANDOM_INT to generate a random integer number :

DATA(lv_random_num) = cl_abap_random_int=>create( seed = cl_abap_random=>seed( )
                                                  min  = 1
                                                  max  = 100 )->get_next( ).
* lv_random_num will be type i

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DELKZ : Code list of MRP elements

Most used :
ValueDesignation ENDesignation FR
AR Dependent reservationRéservation dépendante
FE Production orderOrdre de fabrication
PP Planned independent requirementBesoins indépendants Prévisionnel (BIP)
QM Inspection lot for quality management Lot de contrôle QM
SA Simulation orderOrdre de simulation
SM Sim. dependent reqmtsBesoin dépendant de simulation
WB Plant stockStock division
All values :
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Create ALV with class CL_SALV_TABLE

Example of implementation in SE38 : SALV_DEMO_TABLE_SELECTIONS.

Simply display ALV table

  DATA : go_alv_table TYPE REF TO CL_SALV_TABLE.

          r_salv_table = go_alv_table
          t_table      = gt_table_to_display ).
    CATCH cx_salv_msg.

  " Optimize columns width
  DATA(lo_columns) = go_alv_table->get_columns( ).
  lo_columns->set_optimize( ).

  " Apply zebra style to lv_rows
  DATA(lo_display) = go_alv_table->get_display_settings( ).
  lo_display->set_striped_pattern( cl_salv_display_settings=>true ).

  " Display ALV
  go_alv_table->display( ).

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Message : synthax templates

Trigger message from standard data :

    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
               WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

Set BAPIRET2 structure from standard data :

  ls_return-type = sy-msgty.
  ls_return-id   = sy-msgid.
  ls_return-number = sy-msgno.
  ls_return-message_v1 = sy-msgv1.
  ls_return-message_v2 = sy-msgv2.
  ls_return-message_v3 = sy-msgv3.
  ls_return-message_v4 = sy-msgv4.
  MESSAGE ID sy-msgid
          TYPE sy-msgty
          NUMBER sy-msgno
          WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4
          INTO ls_return-message.

Trigger message from BAPIRET2 structure :

  MESSAGE ID     ls_return-id
          TYPE   ls_return-type
          NUMBER ls_return-number
          WITH   ls_return-message_v1

Manipulate dates in ABAP

Check dedicated post to Add days/month/year to date.

Manipulate dates in worked days (or factory days)

Add working days to a date

You can use Function BKK_ADD_WORKINGDAY.

Difference between 2 dates in worked days


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Template ABAP for local classes

Local class template :
See also Template for ABAP local ALV event class

CLASS lcl_sample_class DEFINITION.
* Public section

    TYPES : BEGIN OF ts_public_type,
              flag  TYPE abap_bool,
              value TYPE char20,
            END OF ts_public_type.

    DATA : gt_public_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ts_public_type WITH DEFAULT KEY. "Global table inside the class (table must be fully typed to be used in return types)

    METHODS constructor IMPORTING iv_input TYPE char20.

    METHODS public_method IMPORTING iv_input         TYPE char20
                          RETURNING VALUE(rs_output) TYPE ts_public_type.

    CLASS-METHODS public_static_method IMPORTING iv_input         TYPE char20
                                       RETURNING VALUE(rv_output) TYPE char20.

* Private section

    TYPES : BEGIN OF ts_private_type,
              flag  TYPE abap_bool,
              value TYPE char20,
            END OF ts_private_type,
            ti_private_type TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ts_private_type WITH DEFAULT KEY. " (tables must be fully typed to be used in return types)

    DATA : gt_private_table TYPE ti_private_type. "Global table inside the class

    CLASS-DATA : gs_static_private_structure TYPE mara,
                 gv_static_private_var       TYPE matnr.

    METHODS _private_method IMPORTING iv_input         TYPE char20
                            RETURNING VALUE(rs_output) TYPE ts_public_type.

    CLASS-METHODS _private_static_method IMPORTING iv_input         TYPE char20
                                         RETURNING VALUE(rv_output) TYPE char20.

ENDCLASS. " End of lcl_sample_class DEFNITION

CLASS lcl_sample_class IMPLEMENTATION.

  METHOD constructor.
    " Init process for instanciated class

  METHOD public_method.
    " Public (instanciated) method
    " Code...

  METHOD public_static_method.
    " Code...

  METHOD _private_method.
    " Private (instanciated) method
    " Code...

  METHOD _private_static_method.
    " Code...

ENDCLASS. " End of lcl_sample_class IMPLEMENTATION

Create a transaction from SM30

To create a transaction to directly edit a table managed in SM30, go to SE93, create a Transaction with parameters, and follow steps below :

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