Template ABAP for local classes

Template ABAP for local classes

Local class template :
See also Template for ABAP local ALV event class

CLASS lcl_sample_class DEFINITION.
* Public section

    TYPES : BEGIN OF ts_public_type,
              flag  TYPE abap_bool,
              value TYPE char20,
            END OF ts_public_type.

    DATA : gt_public_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ts_public_type WITH DEFAULT KEY. "Global table inside the class (table must be fully typed to be used in return types)

    METHODS constructor IMPORTING iv_input TYPE char20.

    METHODS public_method IMPORTING iv_input         TYPE char20
                          RETURNING VALUE(rs_output) TYPE ts_public_type.

    CLASS-METHODS public_static_method IMPORTING iv_input         TYPE char20
                                       RETURNING VALUE(rv_output) TYPE char20.

* Private section

    TYPES : BEGIN OF ts_private_type,
              flag  TYPE abap_bool,
              value TYPE char20,
            END OF ts_private_type,
            ti_private_type TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ts_private_type WITH DEFAULT KEY. " (tables must be fully typed to be used in return types)

    DATA : gt_private_table TYPE ti_private_type. "Global table inside the class

    CLASS-DATA : gs_static_private_structure TYPE mara,
                 gv_static_private_var       TYPE matnr.

    METHODS _private_method IMPORTING iv_input         TYPE char20
                            RETURNING VALUE(rs_output) TYPE ts_public_type.

    CLASS-METHODS _private_static_method IMPORTING iv_input         TYPE char20
                                         RETURNING VALUE(rv_output) TYPE char20.

ENDCLASS. " End of lcl_sample_class DEFNITION

CLASS lcl_sample_class IMPLEMENTATION.

  METHOD constructor.
    " Init process for instanciated class

  METHOD public_method.
    " Public (instanciated) method
    " Code...

  METHOD public_static_method.
    " Code...

  METHOD _private_method.
    " Private (instanciated) method
    " Code...

  METHOD _private_static_method.
    " Code...

ENDCLASS. " End of lcl_sample_class IMPLEMENTATION

About the author

fjourneau administrator

Hi, I'm Florian Journeau, SAP ABAP R3 Freelance, based in Toulouse, France. You want to know more about me, have a look on my CV : cv.fjourneau.net.

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