Restrict select-options

Restrict select-options


   TYPE-POOLS sscr.

  TABLES : marc.

* Selection screen !
    s_matnr FOR marc-matnr,
    s_werks FOR marc-werks.


* Define the object to be passed to the RESTRICTION parameter
  DATA ls_restrict      TYPE sscr_restrict.

* Auxiliary objects for filling RESTRICT
  DATA : ls_optlist     TYPE sscr_opt_list,
         ls_ass         TYPE sscr_ass.

" Défine option list (will be used for MATNR)
  ls_optlist-name       = 'MY_RESTRICT_EQ_BT'.
  ls_optlist-options-eq = 'X'.
  ls_optlist-options-BT = 'X'.
  APPEND ls_optlist TO ls_restrict-opt_list_tab.

CLEAR ls_optlist.

" Défine option list (will be used for WERKS)
  ls_optlist-name = 'RESTRICT_CP_GE_LT_NE'.
  ls_optlist-options-cp = 'X'.
  ls_optlist-options-ge = 'X'.
  ls_optlist-options-lt = 'X'.
  ls_optlist-options-ne = 'X'.
  APPEND ls_optlist TO ls_restrict-opt_list_tab.

* List of option list available :
* -------------------------------
*  BT	SELECT-OPTIONS : intervalle actif
*  CP	SELECT-OPTIONS : modèle actif
*  EQ	SELECT-OPTIONS : val. indiv. active
*  GE	SELECT-OPTIONS : supérieur ou égal actif
*  GT	SELECT-OPTIONS : supérieur actif
*  LE	SELECT-OPTIONS : inférieur ou égal actif
*  LT	SELECT-OPTIONS : inférieur actif
*  NB	SELECT-OPTIONS : exclure intervalle actif
*  NE	SELECT-OPTIONS : exclure valeur individuelle actif
*  NP	SELECT-OPTIONS : exclure modèle actif

* Restricting the MATNR selection to only EQ & BT.
  ls_ass-kind = 'S'.
  ls_ass-name = 'S_MATNR'.
  ls_ass-sg_main = 'I'.
  ls_ass-sg_addy = space.
  ls_ass-op_main = 'MY_RESTRICT_EQ_BT'.
  APPEND ls_ass TO ls_restrict-ass_tab.

* Restricting the WERKS selection to CP, GE, LT, NE.
  ls_ass-kind = 'S'.
  ls_ass-name = 'S_WERKS'.
  ls_ass-sg_main = 'I'.
  ls_ass-sg_addy = space.
  ls_ass-op_main = 'RESTRICT_CP_GE_LT_NE'.
  APPEND ls_ass TO ls_restrict-ass_tab.

" Apply restrictions
      restriction            = ls_restrict
      too_late               = 1
      repeated               = 2
      selopt_without_options = 3
      selopt_without_signs   = 4
      invalid_sign           = 5
      empty_option_list      = 6
      invalid_kind           = 7
      repeated_kind_a        = 8
      OTHERS                 = 9.

Result :

About the author

fjourneau administrator

Hi, I'm Florian Journeau, SAP ABAP R3 Freelance, based in Toulouse, France. You want to know more about me, have a look on my CV :

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