Table for :
- WBS elements : PRPS
- WBS projects : PROJ.
Search tag: OTP
Table for :
Search tag: OTP
Table JEST to see active and inactive status on objects.
Table TJ02 (and text table TJ02T) for internal status.
Table TJ30 (and text table TJ30T) for external status.
Example to change status with BAPI
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Use program RV80HGEN.
Sometimes the standard automatically add this report in transport request (TR).
If not done automatically, you can add it manually in your workbench TR :
Display the object list of your transport request or task. Switch to Change mode, insert row :
Here are only displayed the transaction I most use.
IL03 : Display Functional Location (Afficher poste technique)
IQ03 : Display Material Serial Number (Afficher le numéro de série d’un article)
IE03 : Display Equipment (Afficher Equipement)
Sometimes, where objects are imported from other SAP systems (via TO or others), the original system is not the current development system. It can be useful in certain case to reassign it.
First, check the original system :
Check the original system, here ISG.
If you want to change it on this object, note the objects info : R3TR – FUGR – ZBNC_INIT.
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Use transaction SE63.
Mains infos, to be completed…
Tables, cf. LE – Logistic and execution
To add a select screen variant in a transport order, use program (SE38) : RSTRANSP.
You can also do it directly on your report :
Read MoreUse program : RSAQR3TR.
Une query peut potentiellement être créée / modifiée sur tous les systemes (Dev/…/Prod) – à condition d’avoir les droits adaptés.
Pour la transporter il faut d’abord exporter son contenu dans un OT.
Il faut ensuite sur le système cible (et sur chaque mandant cible si la query n’est pas globale) réimporter la query.