Get length of a particular field
Find character in a text variable
Search character in a text variable
Get length of a particular field
We can use STRLEN statement :
DATA: lw_word1(10) TYPE C VALUE 'STRING A',
lw_word2(20) TYPE C VALUE ' My STRING B',
lw_i TYPE I.
lw_i = STRLEN( lw_word1 ) + STRLEN( lw_word2 ).
WRITE: lw_i.
DESCRIBE FIELD lw_field LENGTH lw_len.
Find character in a text variable
We can use FIND statement :
FIND '-' IN lw_string.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
" if the character - (hyphen) is in lw_string, subrc will be 0.
Search character in a text variable
We can use SEARCH statement :
SEARCH lw_string FOR 'MyCAR'.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
" if text MyCAR is in lw_string, subrc will be 0.
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